The scene of “Truck Reincarnation” in Japanese anime frequently appears! The logistics company boss is dissatisfied: the reputation of the truck driver has been completely destroyed!

In recent years, the phenomenon of “truck reincarnation” in Japanese anime has gradually become popular in works with the theme of reincarnation in another world, often featuring scenes where the protagonist is killed by a truck and reincarnated into another world.

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This type of plot has attracted the attention of Japanese logistics operators. Recently, a logistics company owner complained in a media interview that anime works often use trucks as the “culprits” of car accidents, which not only damages the image of truck drivers but may also lead to fear and disgust towards trucks and the logistics industry in society.

The sadness of trucks commonly used in death scenes’ I hope the media can balance their reporting ‘The scene of

Concerns of logistics operators: negative image of trucks in anime

In an interview, the logistics company owner mentioned that in movies, TV dramas, comics, and animations, trucks are often the ones hitting people in car accident scenes.

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He believes that this repetitive plot may have a subtle impact on the audience, and even unconsciously form a negative perception of the truck. He also mentioned ‘subliminal stimulation’, which refers to the gradual formation of specific associations with something through the unintentional repetition of implanted ideas. In this case, as a common culprit in car accidents, trucks may create fear or disgust in the audience towards trucks.

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The boss clearly stated that he understands the freedom of creation, but hopes that the media can balance this negative impression and enhance the image of the logistics industry and truck drivers through more positive reports.

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The phenomenon of ‘truck reincarnation’ in the reincarnation of another world

This complaint reminds netizens of a large number of anime with the theme of reincarnation from another world in recent years, where truck reincarnation has become an iconic scene. Although not every work uses truck accidents as a means of reincarnation, the repeated use of this scene in some well-known works has left a deep impression, and even the term ‘truck reincarnation’ has emerged.

For example, in “I Want to Be a Shadow Warrior!”, the protagonist is killed by a truck and enters a different world.

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However, some netizens have pointed out that not all reincarnation works from other worlds are actually about truck crashes resulting in fatalities. Many other works have adopted different settings

For example, the protagonist in “Knight&Magic” was killed by a car collision

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The protagonist in ‘About My Reincarnation into Slime’ was killed by him

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The protagonist in ‘Blessings for a Better World!’ was scared to death.

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This indicates that trucks are not the only tool in the reincarnation plot, it is only the frequent repetition of scenes of trucks hitting people that creates this strong impression.

Netizens‘ reactions and ridicule

Many netizens have put forward their own opinions and suggestions regarding the complaints of logistics bosses. Some netizens joked that ‘the mistake lies in the fact that there are too many truck reincarnations’, while others suggested that’ someone may intentionally be hit by a truck in order to reincarnate ‘.

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Some netizens suggest using other reincarnation methods to avoid excessive use of trucks, such as “kicking a stone and falling to the head and dying” or “being hit by a small meteorite and dying”.

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Some even suggested using ox carts instead of trucks, joking that this might reduce protests.

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The Image of Trucks in Reality

Although the reincarnation of trucks in anime has become a topic of discussion, some netizens have pointed out that trucks are often associated with traffic accidents in real life, so the use of trucks as a symbol of accidents in some works is not unfounded.

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The Doctor of Medicine in Another World died from overwork

Anyway, how to balance entertainment and professional image in film and animation works may be a topic worth exploring.

The frequent occurrence of truck collisions in anime has raised concerns among logistics operators, who believe that this will create a negative impression of trucks in the minds of viewers. However, netizens have different opinions on this. They believe that this is just a dramatic expression and may not necessarily have a serious impact on real truck drivers and the logistics industry. As a common plot technique, truck reincarnation is frequently used, but in the future, more innovative reincarnation methods may be explored to meet the audience’s expectations for novel plots.

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