The anime work “Crayon Shin-chan,” which is well-known in Japan, not only attracts viewers with its humorous and funny plot, but also deeply resonates with them due to its authentic representation of landmarks. Among them, the Ito-Yokado Koshigaya store has long been regarded as an important “sacred place” in the hearts of viewers, not merely as a shopping venue.
The store closed on November 24, seemingly marking the curtain call for the sweet memories of this generation, leading many fans to bid farewell with reluctance.
According to reports from the well-known media outlet Kyodo News and TV Asahi, Ito Yokado is operated by the famous convenience store chain’s parent company, 7 & I Holdings Group. The Kasukabe store is accurately located in Saitama Prefecture, the setting of the “Crayon Shin-chan” story. Since its opening, the store has integrated into the daily life of the city and has become a part of many people’s lives.
The prototype of the department store featured in “Crayon Shin-chan,” Ito Yokado Kasukabe store.
Since the opening of its service doors at the Ito-Yokado Koshigaya store in 1972, the store has attracted customers with its magnificent six-story building and convenient location.
After moving to its current location in 1996, the store temporarily changed its sign to the popular anime “Sato Kokodō” and sold various Crayon Shin-chan themed merchandise in response to the enthusiasm and support of fans.
The prototype of the department store featured in “Crayon Shin-chan,” Ito Yokado in Kasukabe, has a banner reading “Sato Kokunichi-do” hanging under its sign at the entrance.
This move not only pays homage to the original work but also serves as a bridge for fans to get closer to the characters.
However, with the adjustment of market strategies, 7&I Holdings announced in July 2023 that due to the need to reorganize the store network, the Kasukabe store will close in November 2024.
The door of the Ito-Yokado Kasukabe store is posted with a closure notice.
This news undoubtedly caused a stir among fans. During the long farewell process, not only did many supporters specially visit the store to take photos, but fans who love this anime also left exquisite drawings of Crayon Shin-chan characters on the store’s message board, expressing their affection for this special landmark.
This Ito Yokado store themed around Crayon Shin-chan not only concretely embodies the fantasies of the virtual world in its physical environment, but the specially set-up statues of Shin-chan and the Nohara family members also make it seem as if each customer has stepped into the scenes from the comic. This unique on-site experience undoubtedly leaves an indelible mark on fans.
The Ito Yokado Kashiwazaki store features displays of the Shinnosuke siblings, with a background modeled after the Sato Kyudando store.
The closure of the Ito Yokado Kashiwazaki store feels like a sealed memoir, recording countless stories of families and individuals growing up with Shinnosuke. This sense of reluctance transcends mere commerce and deeply embeds itself in regional culture and fan emotions.
In the future, although this tangible space will no longer exist, the laughter and memories brought by “Crayon Shin-chan” will forever be rooted in people’s hearts, becoming eternal.