In April 2025, we will welcome the 28th installment of the “Detective Conan” movie series. Unlike previous editions, this time the spotlight is on Kogoro Mouri. This marks the first time in twenty years since “Detective Conan: The Conspiracy on the Horizon” that Kogoro Mouri will take center stage again.
This new work is titled “Detective Conan: The One-Eyed Phantom,” and previous movies in the series have maintained dazzling box office results. This time, can Uncle Mouri leverage his “real skills” to create another box office miracle? To be honest, this challenge is no small feat! (laughs)
Here we bring you the most authentic theatrical version information.
When it comes to Kogoro Mouri, in both the manga and anime, he leaves the audience with the impression of a middle-aged man who loves to drink and has a bit of a flirtatious side. Although he occasionally shows a charming side and a serious demeanor, it always feels like “handsome lasts only three seconds.” However, in very limited moments, Uncle Mouri can indeed hold the stage, even if it’s because he—the nominal protagonist—is Conan (laughs).
Therefore, given that this theatrical version is significantly different, we can even boldly speculate that although Conan can still be seen in the trailer (after all, his status as the protagonist remains unchanged), perhaps this time, Kogoro Mori can solve the mystery relying solely on his own reasoning abilities and charisma, completely without the need for anesthetic assistance, merely speculating… After all, he hasn’t tapped into such potential for a long time!
In recent years, the “Detective Conan” series of theatrical films has been continuously breaking through in creativity and content. The latest visual images and the leading trailer have just been released, revealing that the new installment is set in the snow-capped mountains of Nagano Prefecture. In the trailer, it turns out that the trio of Nagano Prefectural police—comprising Yamato Gansu, Zufuku Takaaki, and Uehara Yui—gained significant attention in front of the camera.
It seems that these three individuals are not just supporting characters, but rather important figures closely related to the development of the case. Although this all-star lineup appears much simpler than in previous instances, the only confirmed characters in leading positions are Conan and Kogoro. Therefore, there will inevitably be innovations and breakthroughs in the direction of the story and the depth of the plot.
Will this be a reasoning journey shrouded in mist, revealing the truth only at the end? Or will there be a series of twists midway that challenge the audience’s limits of thought? The focus on the storyline design makes people even more excited about the surprises this movie might bring.
▼”Detective Conan: The Eyeless Reflection” Visual
▼”Detective Conan: The Eyeless Reflection” Movie Special Report
The characters confirmed to appear in this theatrical version, in addition to the three members of the Nagano Prefectural Police, include the familiar Conan, Ran, and Kogoro. The film is expected to be released on April 18, 2025.
For viewers who can’t wait to learn more, we will continue to share more exclusive content about this film in the future, so stay tuned! Before the movie is released, fans can look forward to the more twists and surprises that this plot will bring.