The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic ‘Lonely Death’ quickly discovered?

Unexpected benefits of posting on social media every day

Do you have the habit of posting on social media every day? This kind of ‘social media addiction’ behavior is often seen as causing more harm than good. However, a recent event has made people rethink this issue – through social media, people can even detect unexpected deaths of those living alone in a timely manner.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Today, let’s take a look at the story behind this incident and the unexpected benefits that daily posts bring to life.

Renowned critic quickly discovered dead due to ‘social addiction’

Japanese critic Junichi Tang passed away at home due to heart disease, and the news spread on social media. Due to his frequent posting and frequent participation in intense debates, his sudden disappearance has attracted the attention of netizens.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Netizens noticed that he had not updated any updates for over a day and immediately contacted relevant personnel. It was this timely vigilance that enabled his death to be quickly discovered, avoiding the phenomenon of “lonely death” that had been unknown for a long time.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Family members’ voices spark discussion

Tang Zejun’s younger brother, well-known cartoonist Tang Zezhi, posted the news of his brother’s death on social media.

He stated that he had cut off contact with his brother for over 20 years and mentioned his dissatisfaction with him, including his inappropriate words and actions during his lifetime. Tang Zezhi’s remarks have sparked widespread discussion, but what is even more concerning is the contemplation on the cause of Tang Zejun’s death and the discovery process.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Social media has become the key to discovering loneliness and death

Before his life, Tang Zejun was active on social media almost every day, especially enjoying commenting on political topics and often engaging in heated debates with others. However, on the day before his death, his account suddenly went silent, and he remained silent even on major events such as the election of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan. This abnormal phenomenon caught the attention of netizens, who immediately contacted those around him and ultimately confirmed his death.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

In the past, the tragedy of dying alone was often accompanied by a situation where no one noticed it for a long time, until the body began to decay before being noticed. But Tang Zejun’s situation was avoided due to his active social media behavior. Netizens have exclaimed that this social media addiction behavior has shown its positive effects at this moment.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

The reactions of netizens

This incident has sparked a lot of discussion online, with many netizens lamenting that their future may also rely on social media to maintain contact with the outside world, just like Tang Zejun.

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Someone even joked, “I have to post every day to make sure others know I’m still alive

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Some netizens have expressed that social media has become an important social activity in modern society, and can even help detect unexpected deaths of people living alone in a timely manner.

Here are some comments from netizens:

I think I will also stay in touch with the outside world through social media like him in the future

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

It seems that posting every day is still beneficial, at least someone will notice if you have disappeared

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Although it may sound ironic, social media has indeed played a role in this situation

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

The positive effects of social media

Although social media addiction is often criticized as an unhealthy lifestyle, it also reminds us that it can play an important role in certain situations. Social media is not only a platform for expressing opinions, but also an important tool for modern people to maintain social connections. Even relatively isolated individuals in daily life can maintain a certain level of connection with the outside world through this method.

This can’t be considered a lonely death, can it? Although he seems to have cut off contact with his family, he was able to be discovered before the body decayed. It shows that in the end of his life, he has minimized the trouble he caused to his family

The hidden advantages of community addiction! Why was Japanese critic 'Lonely Death' quickly discovered?

Therefore, while we should be vigilant about the negative impact of social media, we should not overlook its positive role in certain special situations. By posting articles every day, perhaps we can not only share our lives, but also make others pay attention to our status in a timely manner at critical moments, avoiding tragedies from happening.

The death of Tang Zejun has prompted us to rethink the role of social media. It is not only an information platform, but also an important channel for lonely people to maintain contact with the outside world in modern society. Posting on social media every day may seem like a trivial matter in life, but in some cases, it can have unexpected effects and even save lives at critical moments.

The pace of modern society is faster and faster, and the connection between people is more dependent on the Internet. Through social media, we can maintain a certain level of social activity and even get attention from others when we are alone. Therefore, perhaps sending a small daily update is not only an expression of one’s own life, but also a signal to the outside world that ‘I am still here’.

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