Okinawans’ Clever Typhoon Defense for Cars Praised by Netizens

As the third typhoon of the year approaches with fierce intensity, Taiwan’s counties and cities are taking every precaution. Meanwhile, Okinawa, located to the north, has also been preparing for the typhoon. Recently, a social media post sharing Okinawans’ “typhoon survival tips” has sparked widespread discussion and attention.

One user shared three photos showing several cars overturned on the streets and against buildings. The original poster explained that during typhoons, small, lightweight cars in Okinawa are prone to being blown away by strong winds. To prevent damage, many car owners use straps or ropes to secure the tires, keeping their vehicles grounded.

The poster emphasized that the cars in the photos were not fixed in place due to any violation but as a preventive measure, saying, “I want to explain this to people outside of Okinawa because it might confuse them.” This typhoon defense measure is indeed a very practical method.

Okinawans' Clever Typhoon Defense for Cars Praised by Netizens

The post garnered many responses from netizens. One person commented, “I think this is a great idea. Outdoor parking lots are indeed very dangerous.” Another shared their thoughts on typhoon preparation, saying, “If you’re not fully prepared for a typhoon, you can’t withstand the forces of nature.” Locals also joined the discussion, with one saying, “I lived in Okinawa for a year.

I have to tell everyone not to be surprised by these measures because Okinawa doesn’t have high mountains to block the wind. The winds can be so strong that you can hardly stand.”

This creative solution by Okinawans not only highlights their ingenuity in dealing with typhoons but also underscores the importance of being prepared for natural disasters.

About Jack Penn

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I'm Jack Penn, and I often enjoy traveling alone to Japan, where I love trying the local specialties. I will share some of my experiences and interesting local stories from my travels in Japan with everyone.

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