In the Harumi district of Tokyo’s Chuo Ward, an area known for its high-rise buildings, a recent phenomenon has caused local residents to panic and garnered media attention. Numerous “mysterious key boxes” have appeared on street poles, fences, and pedestrian bridges, leading to speculation about their purpose. Japanese lawmakers have analyzed these key boxes, suspecting they may be connected to illegal lodging operations.
According to Japanese media reports, a large number of key boxes with unknown purposes have recently been spotted in the Harumi area. Upon investigation, media outlets found 21 key boxes in just 15 locations. Local residents expressed their concerns, describing the situation as “eerie and terrifying,” and others admitted to feeling uncomfortable and puzzled about the key boxes’ purpose.
Local councilor Motoki Takahashi has called on residents to provide information about the key boxes and has created a “Key Box Map” to track their locations. Despite this effort, Takahashi remains uncertain about the key boxes’ intended use. Reports indicate that such key boxes have even been found near the redeveloped Olympic Village residences known as “Harumi FLAG.”
Takahashi suggests three possible uses for these key boxes. The first is that real estate agents use them to show properties. The second is that they are tools for construction workers, cleaners, or care workers to access buildings when managers are not present. The third and most concerning possibility is that they are used by operators of illegal lodging facilities without proper business licenses. Residents have frequently observed people passing by with suitcases, and Takahashi noted, “While there are hotels in the area, options are limited.”
Insiders reveal that Chuo Ward, particularly the Harumi waterfront area, is one of the hardest places in Tokyo’s 23 wards to obtain a permit for operating lodging facilities. Lodging operators state that many run such accommodations as investments and use these key boxes to manage guest access since they are unavailable during the day due to other work commitments.