Li Dongxu’s perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

Li Dongxu is a beloved South Korean actor who has gained widespread attention in recent years for his honest personality and sense of humor. Recently, he participated as a guest on the online program “Excuses Go” and talked about his current emotional state, especially his attitude towards love.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

This sincere speech has resonated with many viewers, especially those who feel tired of love for various reasons.

Love makes people tired, Li Dongxu has forgotten how to ‘become closer’

Li Dongxu’s previous public romance was a four month relationship with Xiuzhi in 2018, and it seems like he hasn’t been in a relationship for a long time since then. In the program, Li Dongxu talked about his views on love. He admitted that dating is very troublesome, especially the process of getting closer before dating, which makes him feel very tired. Li Dongxu candidly said, ‘I have forgotten what to do.’ This statement made the audience feel both genuine and empathetic.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

When host Liu Zaixi asked him if he still wanted to fall in love, Li Dongxu said that he sometimes wants to fall in love, but he thinks it’s troublesome to spend so much energy. He also pointed out that as he grows older, love is no longer as casual as when he was young, and he has not encountered suitable partners at work. In addition, busy schedules make him more in need of enjoying alone time.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

Busy work and enjoying solitude: love is no longer the top priority

Li Dongxu’s career is very busy, and he admits that he prefers to enjoy his free time alone during work breaks. For example, at home, he can freely choose the content he likes to watch, but if there is a partner around, he needs to consider their feelings.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

He cherishes the comfort of being alone very much, and seems to be somewhat resistant to love as a result.

The fatigue of love: from mental exhaustion to obstacles in reality

The fatigue of love described by Li Dongxu is not only his personal feeling, but also a resonance point faced by many modern people. Although love is sweet, it requires a lot of energy, especially after the painful process of ambiguity, deep understanding, and even breakup. Many people feel tired of love.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

As people age, they become more cautious when searching for romantic partners, which makes love more complex and time-consuming.

Freedom during the transition period: benefits of being single as well

Although Li Dongxu expressed some helplessness towards love, his current life seems very casual and comfortable. 42 year old Li Dongxu has reached a state where he is no longer influenced by others’ opinions. He prefers to live a carefree life rather than force himself into a relationship or marriage.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

He and the equally carefree Kong Liu are regarded as one of the most relaxed male stars in the Korean entertainment industry, and they are loved by people for their carefree attitude towards life. Li Dongxu’s choice shows everyone a different way of life: even without love or marriage, being single can be very comfortable.

Li Dongxu's perspective on emotions is too genuine! Love is troublesome, but a carefree life is the most beautiful

Li Dongxu’s speech reminds us that although love is sweet, it also comes with many practical tests and the process of mental exhaustion. Whether in love or single, the most important thing is to find your true sense of happiness. Li Dongxu’s honesty and casual attitude towards life show people that regardless of whether they are in love or not, as long as they live comfortably and freely, it is the best choice.

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