Wakako Inoue, affectionately known as “Japan’s Busty Goddess,” married director Ken Iizuka in 2012. On the 11th, she joyfully announced on Instagram that her baby boy was born healthy, and her eldest daughter is showing immense love for her little brother.
Inoue shared a touching photo of herself with her newborn son, particularly highlighting a moment where the baby’s tiny hand tightly grips her thumb. She expressed her happiness, saying, “Raising a boy in my forties sometimes makes me worry if I can keep up with him, but right now, all I feel is gratitude for his healthy arrival.”
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Stepping back into the demanding phase of childcare, Inoue feels incredibly fortunate. Her 9-year-old daughter has been very loving towards her baby brother and actively helps take care of him. This support is a great help to Inoue, who also emphasized the importance of taking good care of her own health.
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Wakako Inoue debuted in the NHK late-night drama series and has since appeared in numerous TV dramas and movies. Her first stage play, “FUNNY BUNNY Birds, Beasts, and the Lonely Sky,” was written and directed by her now-husband, Ken Iizuka. Known for her stunning figure and F-cup image, she is considered a goddess by many. Interestingly, she recently portrayed Satoru Gojo in his high school years in “Jujutsu Kaisen,” making her the wallpaper choice for many fans’ phones.