In this season’s anime lineup, the second season of the light novel “Your Majesty the Demon King RETRY!” has attracted widespread attention. However, this work has been accompanied by some negative public opinion since its release. The reason for this is partly due to the five-year gap between the airing of the first season, which is quite a long interval for the animation of light novels.
On the other hand, the animation production company and most of the main character voice actors have been replaced, which has sparked some rumors such as “dissatisfaction among the wealthy with the first season production team and voice actor lineup”. Some viewers even compare it to the remake of “Chaos 1/2” this season, questioning why the original voice actor team can still be retained in the remake after more than thirty years. Next, let’s take a look at how the original author clarified these misunderstandings.
The opening theme song of the second season of “Your Majesty the Demon King RETRY!” once again brought familiar emotions to fans, with the voice actor for the protagonist, Hiroto Kuuchi, still being Kenjiro Tsuda.
However, one of the main female characters, Yako, was replaced by Momo Asakura from Takao.
Another female character, Luna, has also changed from Natori Ishihara to Aina Suzuki.
Generally speaking, the replacement of voice actors is often due to unavoidable reasons such as negative news or health issues, but this replacement is not for such reasons.
The voice actors are still continuing their work, but unfortunately they have been replaced. As a result, rumors of dissatisfaction with the production lineup have spread online in Japan, and compared it with the remastered version of “Chaos 1/2”, accusing why the voice actors in the main character group can still remain almost unchanged.
In the face of such criticism, the original author of the work, Heiyin Kamisaki, provided an explanation on social media platform X, answering the reasons behind it and further understanding the practical difficulties encountered in low-cost animation production.
The author mentioned, “Because the original voice actors were very popular and had a full schedule of work, it was almost impossible to ask them to take the time to participate in the recording of the anime sequel that has been over for five years
During the clarification process, the author further described the difficulty of arranging the recording schedule: scheduling a recording day for A may result in B and C being unable to participate, leading to more troubles and controversies. If A and D are forcibly retained while B and C are replaced, it may attract even greater criticism.
Therefore, the final decision was to re cast through a public audition. Nevertheless, the author made every effort to retain Kenjiro Tsuda to continue the voice acting work for the protagonist, and expressed deep gratitude to the voice actors for both versions.
As for the doubts about “Chaos 1/2”, the author jokingly said, “How can it be compared to that kind of big budget work? Please. (laughs)
This humorous response not only brought him a hint of relief, but also brought a new perspective to public opinion.
After this explanation, many people realize that low-cost animation production does face various challenges, from scheduling voice actors to public opinion pressure, all of which test the patience and decision-making of the production team. For long-awaited fans, continuing to support this work now may be the best response to the creator.