In the world of Japanese anime, there was once a popular trend of launching exclusive songs for characters in animated works, known as “character songs.” These songs are custom-made for the characters, thereby becoming a way for fans to deepen their understanding of the characters. However, recently a Japanese netizen felt puzzled while watching “Demon Slayer”: why are modern anime works no longer producing character songs?
If each of the “Nine Pillars” in “Demon Slayer” had a single song, would it bring about huge economic benefits? Or have anime fans indeed lost interest in character songs? This article will give you a glimpse into the views of Japanese netizens on this topic.
A netizen with the nickname “Momoiro” was captivated by the numerous characters while watching “Demon Slayer”. He thought to himself that these “Hashira” characters should have a character song album.
However, his family responded, “What era is it? The culture of character songs has long disappeared.” This made him exclaim in surprise.
In recent years, the decline of character song culture has sparked heated discussions among netizens. The anime “Star☆Twinkle Precure,” which aired in 2018, even launched character songs for its three main characters, but nowadays, this practice seems to have become extremely rare.
Netizens are expressing their confusion: Are modern anime fans really no longer interested in character songs?
Here are some reactions from netizens:
Speaking of which, it seems like there haven’t been any character songs released in recent animations… There should clearly be market demand.
“What is a character song?” Many young viewers are even unaware of the existence of character songs.
“Oh! Is it not available now…?” This surprised some fans.
“I really want to hear Ren Zhu sing ‘Love Circulation.’ ” Netizens still have a strong interest in character songs.
As a huge fan of ‘The Prince of Tennis,’ it’s hard for me to believe this, but now that you mention it, it seems that ‘Zhu’ really hasn’t released a character song.
I also want to hear the duet between the Love Hashira and the Serpent Hashira!!!
As far as I know, if the ‘Hashira’ were to release character songs, the characters other than the Love Hashira would likely only sing lyrics about ‘even if it means sacrificing their lives, they must defeat Muzan’.
Has it disappeared? I think this culture still exists.
‘Hypnosis Microphone’ is an exception; it still releases songs for the characters.
I used to really like the character songs from ‘Lucky Star.’ Some netizens reminisced about their favorite old works.
Have they really disappeared…? I feel like there is still market demand for character songs.
The discussions sparked by this topic show that although the release of character songs has significantly decreased in reality, this culture still holds a place in the hearts of fans. Perhaps, as the anime market changes and audience demands evolve, character songs may reemerge in other forms.
Tell me about the character songs you have bought in the past.