In Japan, a reincarnation manga from another world has recently sparked heated discussions due to its plot. This work showcases the scene of a fat person making bread but being despised by others, which has resonated and sparked controversy among many netizens.
Many Japanese netizens have stated that they have never refused to eat bread because the person making it is overweight. On the contrary, they believe that bread made by fat people is more trustworthy because it is often seen as a guarantee of deliciousness.
The work of the drawing was changed to the home of the world in which we moved.
An advertising plot depicts an incredible scene where the fat man’s bread is criticized as “disgusting” due to his body shape.
This advertisement quickly spread on social media and attracted many roast.
Netizens expressed their opinions one after another.
Some people believe that bread made by overweight people is usually the most delicious.
Some people point out that seeing fat people as restaurant owners actually brings peace of mind because they believe it guarantees the deliciousness and portion size of the food.
Many people believe that the cooking of overweight people often undergoes multiple improvements to win the trust of customers with large portions.
In addition, a netizen shared that he searched for the original work to read because of this advertisement, but was disappointed to find that the protagonist was not the fat guy, which led him to give up this work.
He firmly stated that he was only interested in the story of fat people making bread.
Not only bakeries, but also chefs who give people a feeling of roundness and a smile on their faces are the best! This kind of chef who looks delicious on their own will definitely make delicious dishes
In the end, this advertisement not only sparked imagination of fat chefs, but also made people think about the impact of the image of food makers on food acceptance.
Do you care about the physique of the people who make food? Perhaps the dishes made by fat people are the true hidden deliciousness.