In an unexpected twist of fate, a young Japanese university student, Kei Kurisu, won a staggering 200 million yen during his college years. Despite advice to be cautious with his newfound wealth, Kurisu swiftly decided to invest in his passion for cuisine, sampling delicacies across various regions. This journey transformed him from an ordinary food lover into a respected gourmet critic and eventually led him to establish his own upscale restaurant, aiming to revolutionize culinary perspectives.
A Life Shaped by Culinary Experiences
Raised in a family that cherished good food, Kurisu’s appetite was nothing short of legendary. His daily routine revolved around eating—a substantial breakfast at a local bakery, a hearty lunch at a chosen restaurant, afternoon indulgences in ramen and cakes, followed by dinner across two restaurants, and a final bowl of ramen to conclude his day. This prodigious consumption meant he could ingest nearly ten kilograms of food daily.
Financial Drain and Creative Gain
The massive lottery prize Kurisu won was swiftly depleted within five years, primarily due to his extravagant spending on food. However, his passion for culinary arts opened another door. He authored a popular book, “King of Cuisine,” which garnered widespread acclaim. Subsequently, he founded the gourmet restaurant “,” which operates on an exclusive model—serving only three groups of patrons daily with uniquely crafted dishes.
A Critical Perspective on Culinary Media
After experiencing a vast array of culinary styles, Kurisu observed that many food critiques often lacked depth, offering superficial praise that didn’t do justice to the chefs’ skills. He believes that while making something “tasty” is straightforward, creating “deliciousness” is like completing a puzzle by adding missing pieces. Kurisu holds a reserved stance toward the luxury trend in contemporary cuisine, arguing that the essence of good food lies in the natural flavors of the ingredients rather than their cost.
A Unique Culinary Philosophy
Through “,” Kurisu aims to convey a distinctive culinary philosophy, focusing on the intrinsic qualities of food over its extravagance. Despite limiting his service to just three groups a day, he is committed to using his platform to promote a deeper appreciation of food, challenging prevailing norms and encouraging a return to the basics of taste and flavor.
Kurisu’s journey from a lottery winner to a culinary influencer highlights an inspiring tale of how passion, when pursued with dedication and innovation, can lead to profound professional success and personal fulfillment.