“Forgetting to Wear a Bra When Going Out?” Can Someone Really Be This Careless?

In modern times, due to busy lifestyles, people’s attention is often scattered. For some, forgetting things has become part of daily life. Commonly forgotten items when leaving home include phones, wallets, and keys. However, today, we have “ダリちゅーる” who was a bit more careless; she forgot to wear her bra when going out. She even forgot to bring a small jacket, so she had no choice but to brave it and take public transport.

Actually, “ダリちゅーる / Dalichuru” is a Japanese YouTube channel. The person in the video isn’t pretending; she often posts themes on YouTube about going out without a bra. Forgetting things is just one of the topics she discusses. Besides walking without a bra, she also goes to hot springs and gets chiropractic adjustments without wearing a bra. This YouTube channel primarily focuses on a cool, no-bra experience.

There are actually many videos of walking without a bra. As I watched more, I started to pay more attention to whether the passersby in the videos turned around to look. Maybe it’s just me being curious (laughs), but I found that the rate of people turning their heads in these videos is quite low. I wonder if it’s because they’ve already seen everything when walking ahead, or if they didn’t even notice that the girl approaching them isn’t wearing a bra.

About Jack Penn

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I'm Jack Penn, and I often enjoy traveling alone to Japan, where I love trying the local specialties. I will share some of my experiences and interesting local stories from my travels in Japan with everyone.

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