Is cherishing bad habits actually a manifestation of loving life? Analysis of the Phenomenon of Modern People Enjoying Happiness and Insulation

Behind the perfect model life: too many rules, too little fun

Modern society seems to have a fixed set of standards for “exemplary modern people”: self-discipline, early to bed and early to rise, healthy diet, not addicted to mobile phones, and pursuing dreams. It may sound like a healthy and positive life blueprint, but in fact, pursuing such a flawless life is often not as beautiful as we imagine. Many people find that when life becomes too clean and disciplined, they actually lose their original joy and passion. Without any chaos or recklessness, life seems to be washed away by cleaning agents to be spotless, but it also becomes dull and monotonous as a result.

Is cherishing bad habits actually a manifestation of loving life? Analysis of the Phenomenon of Modern People Enjoying Happiness and Insulation

Pursuing perfection but falling into difficulties: Model life falls short of expectations

More and more people are sharing their true experiences of trying to become “model humans”, reflecting the confusion and anxiety that may arise from blindly pursuing a perfect life. The experiences of netizens on social media platforms are both hilarious and relatable.

  • Turn off your phone, quit smoking, quit taking out food, go to bed early, read more books, start exercising. Diagnosed with severe depression one month laterThis netizen’s experience is like an extreme negative example of excessive self-discipline in modern life. He eliminated all seemingly unhealthy behaviors, but the result was a heavy mental blow. It seems that excessive self-discipline can sometimes exacerbate anxiety and depression.
  • Can an ordinary person stop being depressed after giving up everything that makes them happyThis comment resonates with many people – small joys in life often come from some small “guilt”, such as occasional takeout or watching TV shows on the phone. These moments that make us feel relaxed and happy are actually important seasonings of life.

Is cherishing bad habits actually a manifestation of loving life? Analysis of the Phenomenon of Modern People Enjoying Happiness and Insulation

Small indulgence may be the secret to happiness

A netizen quoted a classic sentence:Cherish your bad habits, which may be the main reason why you love life.Seemingly ‘wrong’ lifestyle habits may be an important way for us to maintain mental health. Some so-called bad habits not only bring temporary pleasure, but also help us release stress.

  • If you read too many books, you will think about the meaning of life. After a long time, you will feel that life is meaningless. So don’t be too optimistic about booksExcessive self-discipline may prompt us to reflect on the meaning of life and even generate some negative emotions. Letting go of those heavy thoughts can sometimes be a better way of life.
  • After a month of self-discipline, my skin has improved, my sleep is regular, and I don’t have acne. I just feel like there’s no point in livingA disciplined lifestyle can indeed bring about external health changes, but when we lose the elements that excite and anticipate us in life, the inner boredom often follows.

Is cherishing bad habits actually a manifestation of loving life? Analysis of the Phenomenon of Modern People Enjoying Happiness and Insulation

Indulging too much can also lead to a loss of balance in life

Of course, completely indulging oneself can also bring problems. Some people feel anxious and uneasy after experiencing extreme freedom.

  • I’ve been lying at home for almost a year, playing with my phone until noon every day. It’s really enjoyable, but later on, it turned into severe social anxiety, often leaving my mind blank and unable to speakThis netizen’s experience reveals the drawbacks of excessive indulgence in short-term pleasure – prolonged social isolation and irregular living can lead to psychological degradation and anxiety.
  • After playing at home for two years and rarely interacting with outsiders, I developed anxiety disorder and couldn’t breathe at night. As a result, I found a job to go to work and slept very well. My body couldn’t enjoy any happinessA seemingly relaxed lifestyle is not always suitable for everyone. Sometimes the pressure of work and socializing can actually help us maintain psychological balance, and a sense of rhythm in life can also help reduce anxiety.

Is cherishing bad habits actually a manifestation of loving life? Analysis of the Phenomenon of Modern People Enjoying Happiness and Insulation

The core of enjoying life: finding your own balance

Many people overlook the diversity and joy that life should be full of when pursuing extreme healthy lifestyles. We don’t need to completely eliminate all seemingly unhealthy habits, moderate indulgence can add vitality to life.

  • My dad retired at the age of 58, and he watches TV and newspapers at home every day. He’s so bored that he’s almost depressed. Finally, he decided to come back to the world and sell meat dumplings. As a result, he wakes up at six o’clock every morning to set up a stall and is very happyThe father of this netizen has regained the meaning of life, indicating that people need something meaningful to fill their daily lives. Not all relaxation can bring joy, sometimes positive actions can actually be the healing medicine in life.
  • “A few days ago, I saw a report that a couple of foodies diagnosed diabetes, but they felt that life would be boring without food, so they decided to continue to eat and prepare to enjoy the rest of the time together.”This story makes people laugh knowingly. Although they do not advocate indulging in unhealthy lifestyles, this couple’s attitude of enjoying delicious food when facing illness demonstrates their persistent pursuit of happiness in life.

We cannot become perfect ‘model humans’, perhaps we should not excessively pursue such standards. Life is not a self-restraint for perfect health, but a complex journey that includes indulgence, pleasure, pursuit, and reflection. Finding a balance between self-discipline and indulgence may be the true ‘enjoyment’.

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